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Summer Rain

I was outside in the backyard earlier today while the kids played in their 'sandbox' (a water table that I put some sand in that was leftover from filling basketball net--- genius, and no extra money spent). They were having a blast until it started getting really windy. My daughter looks up and screams "storm clouds are coming!" and proceeds to run inside when she heard thunder a minute or so later. My son followed, and I moved the 'sand box' so it didn't get filled with rainwater. As I'm about to head back into the house, I see this:

The little goofball came back outside to play in the rain. I was shocked (not because he was standing in the rain, but because normally, he runs from rain). I let him stand there for about 10 minutes. Thunder struck again and a look of shock came over his face, that he thought it was going to get him. He then ran back into the house and closed the door. Almost slipped a few times, but left little wet footprints from the back door to the kitchen table. It was a really cute moment while it lasted. Carefree boy dancing in the rain. :)

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